Transformational Strategies

Organisations face intense pressure like never before to constantly change and adapt to meet the shifting demands of those they serve.  In fact, organisational success is now measured by the speed of response and effectiveness of implementing change. We therefore support and guide organisations as they develop and implement transformational strategies that balance economic success with the needs and expectations of their key stakeholders as well as the planet.

Driving successful transformation

Adapting and transforming is a complex, challenging and uncertain process.  It requires great leadership that can overcome resistance and commit to action.  It also demands transformational strategies that are fit for purpose and capable of being implemented and a culture that is collaborative, committed to learning and high standards of performance, and promotes strong trusting relationships with key stakeholders inside and outside the organisation.

Transforming Organisations the Lunesdale Way

Lunesdale Consulting supports organisations and those leading change and transformation through coaching, mentoring and training. Developing the skills and mindset needed to:

  • Identify the drivers for change – threats and opportunities.
  • Sustain momentum and enthusiasm despite resistance and the fear of failure and the unknown.
  • Galvanise support from key stakeholders inside and outside the organisations through effective communication, collaboration and aligned expectations.
  • Equip the organisations with the tools and critical resources needed to implement the transformation successfully.

Recognising that successful strategy is a team effort

One of the biggest challenges business owners face when trying to turnaround the fortunes of their challenged businesses, is resistance to the usually radical changes that are required from key players inside and outside the organisation. For example, employees, customers, major suppliers, HMRC and landlords.

The art and science of turnaround, therefore, involves bringing these key players on board and securing their support. At Lunesdale Business Consulting we have over 20 years of experience of doing just that.  Through highly effective communication, a deep understanding of what makes individuals and organisations tick and the drive, determination and positivity to drive change forward despite the difficult challenges being faced.

To find out more about developing a Turnaround Strategy check out our blog:

Business Turnaround – from Survive to Thrive.

Exploring opportunities and overcoming barriers together

Contact Lunesdale Consulting today for creative and innovative ways to grow and transform your approach to leadership through an investment in skills and fresh-thinking.