Developing transformational leaders

With Lunesdale Consulting’s Leadership Coaching and Mentoring you have access to the one-to-one support, guidance and knowledge you need to develop as a transformational leader.  Whether you need to develop a growth mindset (find your mojo), refine your leadership approach, help to successfully implement a turnaround or transformational strategy or just develop a fresh perspective on a current challenge, we have the experience and knowledge to support you every step of the way.

Developing a transformational mindset

Lunesdale Consulting has over 25 years of experience supporting, guiding and developing senior leaders as they wrestle with the complex and messy challenges of organisational life.  Helping them better understand, respond to and cope with the strategic threats and opportunities faced.  Importantly, equipping them with the tools and mindset they need to successfully engage and empower those key stakeholders upon whom success depends.

Lunesdale Leadership Coaching & Mentoring

No leader has all the answers to all the questions. From time to time, all of us who lead will benefit from a fresh perspective and sounding board. The chance to talk to someone we can trust implicitly, that “gets it” and is willing and able to share the experience and knowledge we need to grow and develop as a leader and to reach informed decisions with clarity of mind and purpose.

As experienced executive coaches and mentors we guide and support senior leaders by helping them:

  • Identify and fill their gaps in knowledge and skills.
  • Question and challenge their assumptions and bias and instead apply critical thinking.
  • Overcome their fears and other self-limiting beliefs that are paralysing progress through procrastination and indecision.
  • Engage and empower stakeholders, overcome resistance to change and build long-lasting positive relationships.
  • Find answers to complex, messy and seemingly intractable problems that at best frustrate performance and at worse risk the survival of their career or organisation!
Strategic Ideas

The Lunesdale Way

Our focus is on sharing our knowledge, experience and expertise to empower those we work with.  To guide, facilitate and support leaders, rather than to tell them how to lead or manage their organisation.

Our collaborative and empathetic approach focuses on developing a positive growth focused mindset, thereby building (and often re-building!) self-confidence, self-reliance and resilience.  Helping senior leaders cope with the stresses and pressures of leadership and to overcome the barriers that limit their potential and ability to successfully implement their plans.

Working one-to-one or in small senior leadership teams, we encourage a committment to action and a willingness to tackle challenges head-on. Rhetoric and hollow promises will not deliver real, sustainable, transformation and over time simply erode trust in leadership.

Our approach develops a transformational leadership mindset that makes things happen and brings others along on the journey.

Exploring opportunities and overcoming barriers together

Contact Lunesdale Consulting today for creative and innovative ways to grow and transform your approach to leadership through an investment in skills and fresh-thinking.