I am currently exploring organisational behaviour with a wonderful group of new and aspiring leaders.  We have highlighted how culture, underpinned by positive core values, significantly influences organisational success.  So, if we want to achieve success, then we need the right sort of values.

Experience tells me though that listing and communicating our values is not the same as practising them!   In reality, even though we may aspire to adopt certain values that we hold dear, life often gets in the way and we find ourselves not practising what we preach. Sometimes, not walking the talk is down to hypocrisy (greenwashing is a case in point).  But it could equally be due to the difficulty of making tough decisions, bowing to competitive and industry pressures, or simply a lack of self-awareness.

I say ‘we’ because I equally find it a challenge to live my values all the time.  Anyway, I am a big fan of Bréne Brown and her work on Vulnerable Leadership.  She inspired me to examine more closely my core values – what they mean to me and what they look like when I am living them.  Bréne Brown, in her book Dare to Lead, invites us to select three or four key values that are fundamental to who we are.  We may have other important values, but these are the ones that define us and are sacrosanct.

Having carried out that exercise earnestly and with great energy and enthusiasm, I eventually managed to narrow it down to four from a list I found on the internet of over 50!  I have to say, I found this exercise very difficult.  Not only did I have to choose from a big list, but I also had to select those values that I felt I could/would stick to!  I said to myself ‘what is the point in selecting values if I won’t walk the talk?’. To be fair, I also selected those that I thought would enable me to continue to grow and develop as a person and as a coach and mentor.

Living our Vaues Everyday

My four core or foundational values

I recognise that this is a deeply personal exercise and there are no wrong answers.  We should therefore respect the fact that others may choose different core values, even if they don’t align with our own. This is why empathy is so important to leadership.  So, here are my four:

  • Honesty
  • Authenticity
  • Integrity
  • Courage

As it happens, these very closely mirror Bréne Brown’s core values.  I did question whether my choices were an example of me2 and a lack of imagination, but ultimately I came to the conclusion that we just think alike ?

Why do these four matter to me?

Because I am not prepared (or in the spirit of honesty no longer prepared) to live with the consequences of failing to live these values.  The price is too high and I would no longer find satisfaction and joy in my work.

  • I want to have the courage to say what I mean and mean what I say. Others deserve that I am honest, even if what I say makes them uncomfortable or challenges their perspective.
  • I want to feel that who I am is enough. That I don’t have to pretend I am something I am not to feel valued or worthy.
  • Practising what I preach is very important to me. I am in the privileged position that I can influence others; that I am a leader in the broadest sense.  If I am hypocritical or fail to ‘walk the talk’, how can I expect others to respect and trust my leadership?
  • Things don’t always go to plan nor can I predict or control the future. With curiosity, I dare to see challenges and uncertainty as an opportunity to grow; to be creative, innovative, and determined to find answers and solutions.  I’m a sponge for knowledge and always curious to discover more even if it is scary.

Lead by Example is a Leadership Quality

Why am I telling you all this?

There are several reasons.

  • I wanted to highlight the fact that values are important to personal and organisational success and therefore this is a worthwhile exercise. Put positive values at the heart of your leadership and you will reap the rewards however you measure them.
  • To empathise with you. I know living our values is not easy in the modern world and we have all felt frustrated, guilty (even ashamed) and upset that we have not ‘walked the talk’ and lived by our values.  But, just because this is hard, doesn’t make it any less worthwhile an endeavour.  Come on. Join me and help save humanity from a Tsunami of broken promises!
  • I need all of you to help me on my journey. I want you to challenge me and remind me when you feel I am not living my values.  Also, to support me when I climb into the arena, knowing I am championing the cause for all of us in my own small way.  Just because I am curious doesn’t mean I am not petrified!
  • Finally, the very survival of humanity is on the line. I am not being melodramatic or self-righteous.  Instead, I am pointing out what many of us already know.  If we do not change our values, and what we value the most, and start cherishing and nurturing our connection to others, to family, to our organisation, community and society, and importantly, to humanity and the natural world more broadly, I fear we are doomed. Collectively, we have to “walk the talk” and start living the values that we espouse.

Great leadership is about doing what is right and not just what is easy or popular.  As Bréne Brown would say, it is about having the courage and conviction to step into the arena and be seen. I honestly believe that!

Now it is your turn to climb into the arena

I hope that I have inspired you to develop core or foundational values for yourself or your organisation.  If not, then ask yourself why not.  Honesty is required here!  Don’t be surprised, though, if you also find this exercise much harder than you might first imagine.  Remember, you are not just creating a list to pop on the wall in your office or in a corporate brochure.  You are creating a commitment that will test you, challenge you, but ultimately see you growing as a leader.  Again, at the risk of being melodramatic, this could be one of the greatest challenges you face in your lifetime but, equally, one of the most important!

When business doesn't live its values

Next steps?

A big part of our work involves supporting leaders through this exercise, so please let us know if you need a guide to walk along beside you on the journey. With coaching and mentoring we can not only help you find the path but keep you on it.

If you would like to discuss your learning and development goals, please contact Jonathan Timmis at [email protected] and kick-start your journey of discovery today! Jonathan is an experienced business coach, mentor and leadership trainer with over 25 years of experience in leadership and supporting organisations to overcome barriers to growth.